Yes, for those who want a typical recipe Bandung combro most delicious and different, precisely just here. Because combro derived from Sunda, so the origin of the name itself originated from the acronym combro "Smelly in jero" which means "Smelly inside" so shortened to combro. However, combro well known not only in West Java alone, you know, but also in other areas in Indonesia. Combro is a snack that is often served with a variety of various fried. This food is perfect to eat with the family.
These foods contain oncom as its name and is made from cassava, mixed with spicy seasoning and then fried. So it was very enjoyable and seductive tongue. Spicy taste, make sure whoever takes combro hooked. Not only tasty, combro also rich in protein, vitamins and carbohydrates. Well, for those of you who are curious to make it, he is a typical recipe Bandung combro most delicious.
The materials used to make spicy oncom combro contents:
1 kg of cassava, until finely grated
1 leek, sliced small
coconut 100 grams
2 tablespoons corn starch / starch
Salt to taste
Right amount of oil
Combro ingredients typical contents Bandung:
2 cloves of garlic
2 spring onions
250 grams oncom (finely ground)
1 stalk spring onion (chopped small)
1 teaspoon pepper
4 red chilies
Sugar a
Salt to taste
How to make combro:
Peel the cassava, then wash them clean using running water.
Grated cassava are cleaned, then squeeze the juice. Take cassava and discard the water. Grate the coconut too old, then mix and knead.
Add the corn starch / starch, sliced scallions and salt to taste. Then stir the batter until evenly distributed. Drain again, and discard the water.
In another bowl, blend the contents combro materials, such as red chili, onion and garlic. After a smooth, stir-fry until fragrant smell. Then mix with pepper, oncom, salt, sugar and onion, then saute until evenly mixed. Once cooked, remove and set aside.
Meanwhile, to make combro download cassava dough mixed with oil was as much as a handful of hand, then flattened and add the contents combro material earlier. Roll the dough up tightly closed, and the dough oval shape.
The last step of fried dough that has been shaped oval earlier in the pan.
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