Colenak is one of the specialties is the city of Bandung in West Java.
These foods made from raw material cassava or peuyeum burned also in its presentation sprinkled with palm sugar sauce. Naming is because it comes from the Sundanese language that is dipped in delicious, that's why its called colenak. This food has a distinctive flavor that is from the burnt taste, that's the part that makes people addicted. Make colenak very easy and simple cassava tape is also easy to get. Below is a recipe And How To Make colenak Typical Bandung.
Ingredient :
- 500 gr cassava
- 2 tablespoons margarine
- 350 ml thick coconut milk
- 2 pieces of pandan leaves (washed)
- 1/2 coconut was not too old (grated)
- 200 grams of brown sugar (sliced in advance)
- Fine salt 1/4
A. Roasted cassava tape:
cassava flattened beforehand
then baked on a griddle cassava smeared with margarine until lightly browned wait while inverted behind (do to finish) set aside
B. Sauce:
boiled brown sugar coconut milk and pandan leaves waiting to boil while stirring
add salt, stirring constantly until sugar is completely melted
enter the already shredded coconut into the boiling sugar and stir until thickened
C. Presentation:
grab cassava that was baked and then laid out on a plate presentation
Pour sauce over coconut sugar cassava
Bandung ready to enjoy typical colenak
That's Recipes And How To Create A typical colenak Bandung, if you walk into the region, especially the city of Bandung in West Java, please taste the typical snacks Bandung.
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